Thursday, December 19, 2013

More Than Mere Audience

The Audience. Culture and business thrive and depend upon it. In fact, human extistence seems to run on the fuel provided by the energy of the audience.  Consider today's technology. Nearly every component of social media are contingent upon having an audience. These audiences go by various names: followers, friends, pluses, links, etc. We all have them, we all - it seems - need them. Yes. We have become suspects in and victims of the idea that the world is an audience. An audience for whom we are the central player, in the central act of the central narrative called 'Our Amazing Life.' The stage is cluttered with pictures of last evening's meal and comments about one's latest revulsion and desire. All in the name of 'the audience.'

Of course, the need or longing for an audience exceeds both cultural and industrial dependence. A deep and abiding truth, shared by all of humanity in all ages, is the truth that we long to be 'connected' with others. We long for relationship. In a highly individualistic and consumerist society, it is mere logic that 'the audience' would seek to provide for this deeply human need. I have friends who work with young people in a variety of charitable organizations from churches to civic clubs. These friends speak with one voice when they exclaim that teens depend upon technology because it keeps them connected with others. This dependence feeds hunger and stirs craving for more, bigger and better audience. Thus, teens (and adults) sink ever deeply into their own audience even as the hunger for connection and craving grows.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Father's Prayer

Recently, my wife asked me to write a 'blessing' for our daughter in honor of her 12th birthday.  Her request inspired a poem entitled A Father's Prayer.  I hope you enjoy!!