Sunday, January 29, 2017

As Colossus Crumbles

As Colossus Crumbles
©Biz Gainey, 2015

Once beckoned her arm, “Enter Ye Here;
Where there is grace for your soul’s deep ache.”
Once beaconed her lamp, “Find upon my vast shores
To all who would come, refuge.  Freedom from fear”

Her lamp which once beaconed all to her shores;
Grows dim as day fades to the grey sheet of night.

Her voice grow faint burdened by fear’s mist;
Her arm fails to hold ‘Neath shame’s grave weight.

Her head slumps softly, deep within her breast;
Hoping to recover the place where hope and courage kiss.

Bronzed finger now turns back upon herself,
Silent screams her whisper, conceived in despair.

“We care not that you suffer,
Our hold tight on your throat;
We must turn you away,
Slain.  We lay your last hope.”