Sunday, April 8, 2012

What do You Believe this Resurrection Sunday?

Have you thought about what you believe, lately?  Recently I ran across this 'resurrection creed' in Reformed Worship magazine.  The creed was presented by Ed Baker as a way to remind us of the great truths of the Gospel record.  Take a moment this resurrection day and consider what you believe!

Resurrection Creed
I believe in the resurrection.  I believe that Jesus died on the cross, his hands and feet held to the wood by metal spikes.  I believe that his body was pierced by the soldier’s spear, and even the sun was darkened as all creation grieved the death of God’s eternal Son.

I believe in the resurrection.  I believe that Jesus’ body was place in a borrowed tomb, where it lay for three days.  I believe that the power of God, his heavenly Father, brought life to his dead body and rolled the stone away from the entrance so all might see that Jesus was no longer there.

I believe in the resurrection.  I believe that the unbelievable story of the women was true, just as the angel had announced: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”

I believe in the resurrection.  I believe that there is no force in the universe that could stop, hinder, contain or successfully oppose the risen Savior, my Lord, Jesus Christ.  No nails are long enough to hold him to any cross unless he wills it to be so.  No tomb can be sealed so tightly – by Pilate or Herod, or Caesar himself.  Were there any army of a thousand men guarding the tomb, it would make no difference.  Jesus said he would lay down his life and take it up again.  And he did.

I believe in the resurrection.  I believe that Jesus appeared to eleven discouraged, defeated, demoralized disciples in a room where the doors were locked and all hope was lost.  I believe that when he showed them his nail-pierced hands and his spear-pierced side, they fell at his feet and cried out, “My Lord and my God!”  I believe that in the days that followed, hundreds saw him alive.  All their doubt was removed; their fear was gone.  What could the world do to them?  Jesus was alive.

I believe in the resurrection.  I believe that Jesus lives today – as powerfully and perfectly alive as he was two thousand years ago, and for all time past and yet to come.  I believe he empowers his followers to follow in his footsteps, fight the forces of evil, and find their peace and joy and eternal hope in him.

I believe in the resurrection.  I believe that Jesus calls women, men, and children to join him in changing the world, one heart and life at a time, starting with their own.  One day soon, he will come again on the clouds of heaven with an army of celestial warriors whose numbers are beyond counting and whose power is beyond imagining.  Then Jesus will establish his eternal kingdom, where there will be no more soldiers or spears or sepulchers or battles or bleeding wounds or crosses.

I believe in all this because I believe in the resurrection.

May your desires be shaped by our Resurrected and Ascended King!


Check out Matt Maher's, Christ is Risen:


  1. Biz,
    An awesome insight into what we say when we say "I believe in the Resurrection". He truly is risen!

    1. Thanks, George. I hope you are well and that you and your family had a great Easter!
