Friday, January 13, 2012

to listen

His fame spread quickly across the land.  He was certainly someone to behold!  His message was fresh. He spoke of God's Kingdom.  Every disease encountered he healed.  He asked men to follow Him and they did, leaving everything and everyone behind.  Jesus attracted the crowd.  Yes, he attracted the crowd, but he called the disciple.

The difference between the crowd and the disciple is starkly portrayed in the Gospels.  In Luke 5 we behold his disciples drawing near so that they can listen ~ they desire to hear him speak.  I think this is a distinguishing characteristic of a disciple.  A disciple sits and listens.  A disciple waits for instruction, guidance and encouragement.  A disciple responds to the voice of his/her teacher.

My goal for 2012 is to become a listening disciple of Christ.  I long to be one who sits in silence and listens to my Lord.  I long to hear him speak to me!  Listening to the Lord has always been a part of the community of faith.  Only in recent decades have we become more apt to speak and less apt to listen.  There are several reasons for this, but the primary reason is that speaking implies control.  Speaking implies direction and guidance.  Listening implies (requires really) surrender.  The former we know, the latter we fear.

Therefore, one of my commitments in 2012 is to practice the ancient discipline of Silence and Solitude on a regular basis.  I choose to turn off the noise and to silence the distractions long enough to hear Christ speak!  I long to hear him and to walk with him on a daily basis.

What about you?  Join me in 2012.  Let's spend a Year with Our Lord.  Let's spend it 'listening.'

Grace and Peace!


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