Wednesday, March 21, 2012

when a people cannot hear

"what"  . . . the intonation reveals that it is more of a statement of ambivalence rather than a question of intrigue, much less a response of desire.  it is a word that flows through my house like a river after a deep spring rain.  in fact, it is almost a constant refrain.  always monotone.  always dull.  always reminding me that I was heard, but not received.

there is a difference you know.  to be received is to be responded to with desire.  to be heard is to be acknowledged, but nothing further.  somewhat like a grain of sand in a shoe.  an irritant to be sure.  but not one worthy of stopping and addressing, at least not right now.

yes, this is the life of many  people.  we speak and others may 'acknowledge' us, but they fail to 'recieve' us - they fail to respond with a desire to know more, experience more, obey more, hear more, etc.  thus we remain ruthlessly unconnected even as we live in the most intricately interconnected culture known to human kind.

hmm . . .

perhaps this is why the Christian life in our time is such an anemic one.  if we were to be compared to those Christians of ancient times, we would be similar in name only.  they would no doubt be satiated and full bodied in the Word of the Lord.  we would be emaciated and wrinkled in the wisdom of man.  our mouths would be enormous and our ears inverted.    as a result we say 'what' yet we do not 'receive.'  not so in ancient times.

consider, for example, Samuel.  he heard the Lord when the Lord was not being heard.  he was called by God on three different occasions.  he was called from his slumber.  he was unsure of the voice so intrigue lead him to Eli, his mentor.  after a couple of times of being awakened by this young Samuel, Eli finally told him to take it to the Lord.  the very next moment Samuel did just that.  when the voice called again Samuel said, 'Speak, your servant is listening.'

'listening' . . . that's awesome. 

to listen to someone is to receive them - not just their words, but them - their person.  when is the last time you 'listened' to your dad, mom, child, friend, associate . . .  Lord?!?

consider Christ.  he sits down on the mountain side as a new Moses in Matthew 5 - 7.  not as the new law giver - but as the law fulfill er - the covenant mediator.  you know what He did?  spoke.  you know what his disciples did?  they listened - they received - they drew near.  the text is beautifully clear and compelling,

"his disciples came to him . . . and he opened his mouth" 

what a picture!  no one saying 'what' without regard for whom.  no one marking time waiting on him to be done.   no.  they came to him - that is what his followers do.  we come to him and we listen, we receive.  for to be a Christian, particularly one that is growing means that we 'hear' the Lord.  we receive Him.

this takes practice; it takes effort.  in fact it takes the development of habits that you and i do not currently possess.  it takes habits like silence and solitude.  it takes habits like sacred reading.  it takes habits like fasting and prayer.  so, when is the last time you desired, i mean DESIRED to listen to our Lord?

if it has been a while, perhaps some re habituation might help shape your desire back toward Him and His kingdom. 

i know, i know.  i can hear it now . . . what?

shaping desires


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